When Abe Lincoln, J.F. Kennedy Spoke Out for Negroes
From the death of Abraham Lincoln to the assassination of President Kennedy, it proves that on each one of these occasions where outlaws overruled legal authority, it was in the case of Presidents who opened their mouths and said something favorable for the so-called Negro. I am not saying that this was the reason President Kennedy was assassinated, but it seems very strange that every President who says something favorable for the so-called Negro pays for it with his life. We also can substantiate this by the fact that any Negro who wants to lead the so-called Negro to a better life and towards true peace, freedom, justice and equality, which he is entitled to enjoy, is also subjected to the same kind of assassinations or attempts at assassination. I know these to be facts. There are some who seem not to want a true freedom and who will also speak unfavorably and plan unfavorable actions against those who dare to lead a true struggle for justice and equality. The tragic death o...